Episode 49 – Livin’ in the Deltascape! (Whoa-oh!)

After discussing the main scenario storyline in the last episode, Klauss, Seyrr, and Chille decide to delve into the aether with Omega and talk about the current tier of raids, the Deltascape. We give our impressions on the fights and story, and talk a bit about what we would like to see moving forward with the Omega series as well as the upcoming Return to Ivalice series. Seyrr goes in-depth with Susano and the idea of Kami, and we discuss why Chille turned into a dancing Chille dog.

Show Links:
YouTube Video: Coming Soon
Furnishing Design Contest info: http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/7c85959feec46a40d2cc9f580b8c069d877196e7
Tales from the Storm part 1: The Weight of a Name http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/tales_from_the_storm/

Author: Klauss Nightbringer

Host of Phoenix Down Radio, supergeek extraordinaire, and bastion of useless knowledge!

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